Wednesday 14 January 2009

Categories of Website Promotion

The various categories of website promotion are:

  1. Content
  2. Search engine optimisation (SEO)
  3. Pay per click
  4. Pay per target
  5. Link exchange
  6. Comments on Forums, other blogs etc.

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Tuesday 13 January 2009

The Customer is Always Right

Now, reading some other blogs, mainly those about eBay, one point which really stands out is the fact that once you start imposing unbearable rules and regulations on your members, then you are heading for the slippery slope.

Especially if you are too punitive on half your members (e.g. your sellers) and not on the other half (for example, your buyers.

It is so clear that the fabric of an auction website is only its members, both the buyers and the sellers and if one or both sides are unhappy then it can only lead to the end. If you know anything about weaving (to side track a little) a material is made of threads going in two
directions. If the weft goes weak, or if the warp threads are weak and decide to get up and leave, then it is not material anymore, but just a series of unconnected threads!

One of our main concerns at is how to keep the members happy and involved. 

We have a feedback policy, that is, if we are sent some useful and helpful feedback about how to improve the website, then that member receives £5 into their selling account.

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Friday 9 January 2009

Promotion, promotion, promotion

It is one of the most well-established tenets of the internet that no matter how good your product or service, it is absolutely useless unless you can attract visitors. There must be some way in which people can easily find you and your product.

Over the next few blogs, I will mention the ways that I have found which, hopefully, should attract a small but steady stream of people.

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Monday 5 January 2009

eBay fees update

I have written to eBay to question the overcharging - both the double-charged listing fee from one of my listings and the three listings which were charged at £1 each when they should have been 5p each. I was overcharged by £3.05, which is peanuts compared to how many people list items and the fees that most people actually do pay, but if you think about it, as a percentage, and in the grand scheme of things it is a phenomenal amount. I should have paid 20p and have been charged £3.10.

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Saturday 3 January 2009

Be Positive, It's the only way!!

Happy New Year!!

As we enter 2009, it is clear that we are in the midst of a global recession. It is now more important than ever to maintain a positive attitude about aspects of our lives that we may not have any control over

Pessimists and Optimists

There's a lot to be said about pessimists and optimists.

G. B. Stern said: "The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute".

While those trusty pessimists have both feet firmly planted in reality, they are so busy looking down at the mud that they fail to notice that it may be a beautiful sunny day. Optimists are thought to live at least 7 and a half years longer! Isn't that great all you pessimists? If only you were more positive, you could be miserable for a lot longer!  

For a lot of us, being positive now is the hardest thing we have to do amidst job losses and price increases. 

Tips on how to stay positive

  • Develop a routine: Even if you have nothing planned for that day, wake up at your usual time, brush your teeth, get dressed. Have you meals at the right time of day. Developing and sticking to a routine are key steps in maintaining a positive outlook.
  • Get out in the fresh air: Don't stay cooped up in doors. Even on a colder day we can all open a window for a few minutes and breathe in some fresh air. 
  • Make sure you see daylight: It is a well-known fact that daylight not only sets our diurnal rhythms, that is, our sleeping and waking cycles, but it acts as a significant mood enhancer. If there is not much daylight to be had and the sun is nowhere to be seen, can you invest in a daylight lamp? Getting enough sunshine throughout the day will also help to get you to sleep on time.
  • Switch off the TV: Seriously, do you have to check the news every hour? It is the same doom and gloom as yesterday and you will probably benefit from not hearing it again. The same goes for those argument-shows - You know the ones I mean. You don't have to watch some grown-up people twitching and gurning their way through an assumed insult by their next-door neighbour. Switch off the TV for a while and do something absorbing which completely takes your mind off thing for half an hour. The world will still be there.
  • Get some exercise: Exercise is also a great mood enhancer as it actually releases endorphins which have a calming and stress-reducing effect on the brain. Exercise can also contribute to a daily routine.
  • Eat well: Eat a well balanced diet of three or more light meals a day. The process of preparing and eating a meal can be stress-reducing and there are psychological benefits. You can feel good about yourself in many ways if you are not cramming junk food.
  • Music: Put on your favourite tunes. Music has great powers to lift the spirits and make people feel better.

These steps may not end your problems or pay those bills, but a more positive frame of mind can help you cope better with all the little emergencies which crop up.

Stay positive. Its the only way.

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